Type 2 Diabetes - Diabetes Myths That Even Doctors Believe!
By >> Beverleigh H Piepers
Maybe it's the lab coat. Many Type 2 diabetics look up to their family doctor or endocrinologist as some sort of diabetes oracle. Sure, they're a more reliable source of information than what you'll find in a typical Google search. However, that doesn't mean what they say it completely accurate or reliable.
Believe it or not, but many doctors aren't trained in nutrition. That's why it's a wise idea to seek out a registered dietitian or nurse that specializes in diabetic eating.
Here are diabetes myths that many doctors tell their patients everyday and are flat-out not true.
Myth #1: Stop Eating Sugar and Managing Diabetes is Easy
To doctors that treat diabetics, the "S-word" is sugar. They claim that tossing out sugar from your diet is enough to keep blood sugar under wraps. If only it was that easy.
Sure, you'd be hard pressed to find a reputable diabetes educator allowing lots of refined sugar into your diet. However, focusing on sugar while ignoring other important aspects of a diabetic diet isn't going to cut it.
It's important to take a holistic view of your disease that touches on all aspects of diet and health: carbs, protein, fat, stress, and exercise.
Myth #2: Diabetes is a Life Sentence
Like heart disease, diabetes is considered a "chronic" disease simply because when it hits you, it doesn't seem to go away. However, that doesn't mean that it won't go away with the right approach. Many studies have found that dramatically overhauling your lifestyle can actually reverse Type 2 diabetes.
But to do so, it's not enough to tweak your current diet and exercise now and again. It requires a massive lifetime commitment to health and wellness. Hard? Yes. Worth it? Most definitely.
Myth #3: Losing Weight is Optional
Many physicians tell their patients, "stop eating sugar, cut out white bread... and oh yeah, try to lose some weight." Losing weight... the most important part of managing diabetes... is an afterthought of most Type 2 diabetes treatments.
It's nearly impossible to have healthy blood sugar levels if you're overweight. And it's most certainly impossible to cure Type 2 diabetes if you're obese. More than worrying about carbs or blood sugar levels, lose the belly fat and watch Type 2 diabetes manage itself.
Myth #4: Take This Pill and Feel Better
Diabetes medications can help you manage your blood sugar levels while you transition to a healthier lifestyle. However, most doctors perceive medications to be the end all be all of diabetes treatments. Medications are simply a crutch that treat the symptoms while ignoring the actual cause of your diabetes... lifestyle.
When given a prescription by your doctor, ask some hard questions. "Is this absolutely necessary for me to take". Or perhaps, "Is there a natural treatment that's just as effective". The science clearly states that losing weight, exercising more and adopting a healthy diet blows away medications in terms of effectiveness.
To discover answers to questions you may be asking yourself about Type 2 Diabetes, click on this link... Natural Diabetes Treatments.
Clicking on this link will help you to learn more about Type 2 Diabetes Solutions... Beverleigh Piepers RN... the Diabetes Detective.
Beverleigh Piepers is the author of this article. This article can be used for reprint on your website provided all the links in the article are complete and active. Copyright (c) 2010 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide
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