Why Ignore Diabetes Information When It Can Reveal A Lot
by >> Wangeci Kinyanjui
Part of the diabetes information is that, there are two forms of diabetes conditions that exist today. The fist one is known as diabetes mellitus while the second one is known as diabetes insipidus. Diabetes mellitus refers to the condition where sugar levels in the body rises beyond the levels accepted. This situation is usually caused by the inability of the body to either produce or respond to a hormone known as insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is in charge of allowing the glucose content in the body to enter the body cells so as it can be used to produce energy for the body to utilize. Whenever a person suffers from diabetes mellitus he or she usually has symptoms such as, an extreme feeling of thirst, excessive cases of urination, vomiting experiences and so on.
To add on to the diabetes information is that, there are four types of diabetes mellitus namely; Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM) or Type I diabetes, Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM) or Type II diabetes, Gestational Diabetes and finally, Secondary Diabetes.
Type I or Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM), usually occurs when the human pancreas produces little or no insulin at all because of the damage done to it.
This situation makes the blood to be filled with glucose hence the sugar levels in the body rising past the needed levels. Young people below the age of 30 years are the ones who are prone to this condition though anyone can suffer from it. Recent findings have it that, this type of diabetes mellitus occurs rarely but when it occurs, it comes with it more severe experiences than the other types do. On the other hand, Type II diabetes mellitus is common to occur in people who are above the age of thirty years.
It usually runs in the family but is most of the time triggered by lifestyle influences like being overweight, being inactive, consuming excess alcohol and so on. Just like in Type I diabetes, the limited production of insulin usually plays a major role in the occurrence of this problem.
This situation makes the blood to be filled with glucose hence the sugar levels in the body rising past the needed levels. Young people below the age of 30 years are the ones who are prone to this condition though anyone can suffer from it. Recent findings have it that, this type of diabetes mellitus occurs rarely but when it occurs, it comes with it more severe experiences than the other types do. On the other hand, Type II diabetes mellitus is common to occur in people who are above the age of thirty years.
It usually runs in the family but is most of the time triggered by lifestyle influences like being overweight, being inactive, consuming excess alcohol and so on. Just like in Type I diabetes, the limited production of insulin usually plays a major role in the occurrence of this problem.
The third type of diabetes mellitus known as the Gestational diabetes, is often a temporary problem that surfaces in women during pregnancies. This condition may lead to both the expectant mother and the unborn baby developing other forms of diabetes. An appropriate diet and some exercises usually makes this condition go away once the baby has been born. Lastly, the fourth type of diabetes mellitus is the Secondary diabetes. This type develops as an outcome of a previously suffered medical condition. Problems like trauma and chronic pancreatitis can often lead
to the destruction of the pancreatic tissue responsible for insulin production. For this reason, Secondary diabetes may therefore takes place.
More on the diabetes information is that, unlike in diabetes mellitus,diabetes insipidus is always characterized by the excretion of excess amounts of urine that is very diluted that does not reduce even when fluid consumption is reduced. This condition occurs as a result of the kidneys failing to concentrate the patient\'s urine and this usually occurs because of the deficiency of a hormone known as antidiuretic hormone (ADH) or at times commonly referred to as the vasopressin hormone. However, this form of diabetes rarely occurs in people and when it does, it may occur in the following forms, Central DI, Nephrogenic DI, Dipsogenic DI and Gestational DI. Central DI which
occurs as a result of damaging the hypothalumus or the pituitary because of suffering from stroke or from the present of tumors in the body. Nephrogenic DI on the other hand occurs due to the kidney\'s inability to respond to the antidiuretic hormone, a condition that is most of the time inherited.
Dipsogenic DI occurs when there is a defect with the thirst mechanism located in the hypothalamus. This may result in making the patient have an abnormal increase in thirst and just like Gestational diabetes, Gestational DI occurs only during pregnancies and usually, the condition often goes away after giving birth.
this article Source >> http://www.articlesbase.com/diseases-and-conditions-articles/why-ignore-diabetes-information-when-it-can-reveal-a-lot-1512575.html
About the Author
Wangeci Kinyanjui is an expert on research and reporting on Health Matters for years.To get more information on diabetes information visit her site at DIABETES INFORMATION
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