By >> Beverleigh H Piepers
Many women diagnosed with type 2 diabetes are overweight, even obese. At least eighty per cent of women with type 2 diabetes weigh twenty per cent more than they should for their height and age... this is what is known as obesity. Weight control is a critical health issue for women at this present time.
Today the average women is 5ft 4" (163 cm) tall and weighs 164 pounds (74 kg)... this is almost 25 pounds (11 kg) heavier than the average woman back in the 1960's. The female population is living longer than ever, consequently the incidence of type 2 diabetes is growing.
Many women have dieted themselves up to their present weight... the road to obesity has been paved with chronic dieting. At least fifty per cent of women are dieting at any given time. The action of dieting in your teen years and your twenties can predispose you to obesity in your thirties and beyond. Unfortunately most of this dieting did not incorporate exercise, which means that women lost some of their muscles as well as fat.
Women accumulate fat differently to men, and in different places on their bodies... fat that is more difficult to burn off without increasing their exercise program to include aerobic exercise. One reason for this is that a woman's metabolic system is different to a man's.
Also, hormonal changes as well as weight gain can conspire to put your blood sugar levels out of whack, so you will need to talk to your health care provider about whether or not adjustments should be made to your medication type or dosage.
Resist risky shortcuts > it is important to understand that the goal of weight loss in women is to achieve metabolic fitness, which may be at a weight where you might not be thin but where your lipids and blood sugar levels are in a healthy target range. Where you have also achieved a healthy level of physical fitness.
If you are at risk for type 2 diabetes, or have already been diagnosed with this condition, studies show that eating a balanced diet and reducing your fat intake will cause you to be much more aware of what you actually eat. Almost without exception, people who adopt a lower-fat diet will begin to incorporate less animal products and increase the amount of vegetables into their food plan.
The mainstay of treatment of type 2 diabetes is actually a healthy eating plan and exercise... but no matter what else you do, without following a healthy eating plan, nothing will work, not your medications or your exercise.
One thing women have working for them is that they are open to seeing their health care provider on a regular basis... so choosing a good health care provider to take care of you and your type 2 diabetes is a long-term decision.
To download your free copy of my E-Book, click >> Answers to Your Questions... its based on questions many diabetics has asked over reason months.
Beverleigh Piepers is a registered nurse who would like to help you understand how to live easily and happily with your type 2 diabetes.
This Article Source: Women, Type 2 Diabetes and Weight Loss!
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